
Celebrating World Rivers Day

  • 2 min read
Welcome to our September newsletter and the start of a brand new season. If you’re looking to make small changes around your home that make a big impact, swapping your liquid washes to bar soaps is a great way to start, from shampoo and conditioner bar soaps to shaving soaps and even pet-friendly soaps, you can substitute bar soaps for almost every kind of liquid wash, saving money, time, space and the environment.
Celebrate World Rivers Day 
This month sees the global celebration of World Rivers Day, an initiative that was launched in 2005 to support the United Nation’s Water For Life Decade. Last year, several million people in up to 100 countries celebrated the many values of our waterways. To join in this year, try some of our suggestions below. 
1 - Help raise awareness 
Spread the word about the importance of our rivers by sharing information, facts and statistics about why they are essential for ecosystems, biodiversity and human communities. You can do this through social media, by organising or attending workshops, webinars, or informational sessions to educate people about the challenges our waterways face and how we can protect them. 
2 - Get involved in a clean-up event
Arrange river clean-up activities in your local community or join existing initiatives. This not only improves the health of our waterways but also fosters a sense of community involvement and responsibility. Visit the World Rivers Day website to find an event or list your own. 
3 - Plant trees and native vegetation 
Participate in reforestation and restoration projects along riverbanks. Trees and native vegetation help prevent erosion, filter pollutants and provide habitats for wildlife. Check online with your local council or Facebook groups for working bees. 
4 - Support conservation organisations 
Contribute to the efforts of non-profit organisations working towards river conservation by donating your time, skills or financial resources can help these organisations implement projects that restore the health of our rivers and waterways, raise awareness and advocate for sustainable water management practices. 
5 - Buy plastic-free products 
A report by National Geographic found that 80 per cent of plastic ends up in the ocean through more than 1000 rivers worldwide. The best way to mitigate this is to cut use of plastics – particularly single-use plastics, and buy plastic-free products wherever possible.

“The activist is not the man who says the river is dirty. The activist is the man who cleans up the river.” — Ross Perot  

Thanks for keeping our oceans clean and forests green!
Pure Planet Club Team
