Welcome to our November newsletter. As we head towards the end of the year and all the festivities that come with it, it’s natural to feel a little more tired than usual, especially given world events and the strain of the past few years. Experts are calling this “hope fatigue” – a sense of feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by important issues beyond our control.
At Pure Planet Club, we are big proponents of starting small, with what you’ve got, from where you are. So here are some simple ways to feel reinvigorated about life, your community, and the beautiful planet we share.
1 - Clean up a beach or waterway.
Grab a bag whenever you head to the beach or your local lake or river, and pick up all the litter you can see. Or just go for a walk and try ‘plogging’.
2 - Volunteer in your community.
Whether it’s helping clear weeds in natural areas, working in an animal shelter or dedicating your professional skills to an environmental organisation, there are lots of ways you can give back.
3 - Shop locally.
Small businesses have taken a big hit in the last few years, so avoid the allure and convenience of online marketplaces and spend your money at local, family-owned stores and farmers markets. When you support local businesses you’re not just investing in your community, you’re usually also buying better-quality products and services with a smaller carbon footprint.
4 - Plant a tree.
Or a bush, or some flowers or herbs. Even the tiniest balconies or a sunny windowsill is enough for a few pots. Join your local community garden – you’ll connect with your community and meet like-minded people.
5 - Get to know your neighbours.
Connecting online constantly means we’re often disconnected in real life. Offer to pick up groceries for an older neighbour or help them with their garden, look at ways to share skills and tools with those in your community, or offer to look after someone’s pet while they’re away.
On the topic of simple ways to make a difference, recently on the
blog we’re also sharing some easy tips on going green with your cleaning routine, to help save costs, cut down on household waste and reduce the amount of chemicals in your home.
Until next time!
“Try to leave the earth a better place than when you arrived.” — Sidney Sheldon
Thanks for keeping our oceans clean and forests green!
Pure Planet Club Team