The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by the United Nations Member States in 2015 as a blueprint for a better future for everyone. The SDGs are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that everyone enjoys peace and prosperity by 2030.
The 17 SDGs are all interlinked, which means that action in one area affects outcomes in others. We all need to play our part to reach these ambitious targets, and to make it easier to follow and understand, 17 ‘Good Life Goals’ were developed which align with the SDGs. Read on to find out more about each of the goals and how you can help.
1 - Help end poverty
One way to do this is to buy from companies that treat people fairly, so check fair trade logos when you go shopping.
2 - Eat better
Buy local, seasonal and fairly traded food, enjoy more fruit and veggies and learn how we farm, fish and make our food. Start growing your own food by planting a herb or veggie garden.

3 - Be fair
Stay open-minded, listen and learn from others, and protect and welcome the vulnerable.
4 - Learn & Teach
Keep learning and educating yourself throughout life, and teach your children to be kind to others.

5 - Treat everyone equally
Respect men and women who care for their families, raise kids to expect equality and oppose violence against girls and women.
6 - Use clean energy
Use renewable energy for heat, light and power, and save energy by switching off lights and power points when not in use.

7 - Save water
Learn why clean water matters, don’t flush any trash or toxic chemicals, and save water when cleaning and washing. Use a timer for showers, always wash full loads of laundry and don’t let the faucet run while brushing teeth or washing dishes. See
here for more ways to be sustainable at home.
8 - Do good work
Be a conscious consumer by always checking no-one was exploited to make what you buy and support local businesses at home and abroad.

9 - Make smart choices
Be smart and kind online and support construction that benefits people and protects the planet. Welcome innovations that make the world we live in a better place.
10 - Stay well
Look after your mental health and well-being, wash your hands and exercise regularly. Share ideas with your friends and family about staying healthy together.

11 - Love where you live
Protect local
trees, wildlife and natural areas, get to know your neighbours and welcome new people. Try having a
plastic-free party to make new friends.
12 - Live better
Reuse, repair, recycle, share and borrow. Minimise food waste and use up any leftovers. Demand that businesses respect people and the planet, and choose experiences over material accumulation.

13 - Love Nature
Protect native plants and animals and avoid products made from endangered wildlife, or that destroy their habitats, such as palm oil. Support companies that
protect and restore nature.
14 - Act on climate
Learn about climate solutions, eat more plants and less meat, and walk, cycle or take public transport instead of driving when you can.

15 - Clean our seas
Learn about life in our seas and oceans, buy sustainable fish and seafood, buy eco-friendly products that say no to unnecessary plastic and remember that litter ends up in the water.
16 - Make peace
Be kind and tolerant, support institutions that support people and stand up for fairness and peace.

17 - Come together
Share the Sustainable Development Goals, get involved and volunteer in your community, celebrate progress and help make tomorrow better than today.