
Our fave book and podcast recommendations

  • 2 min read
Welcome to our May newsletter! Whether you’re heading into autumn or diving into spring, it’s a great time to get outdoors and enjoy nature. 

Here at Pure Planet Club, we love hearing about easy ways to make better choices for the earth, so we’ve shared 10 small changes to make your home from eco-friendly on our blog. From using up leftovers to washing your clothes in cold water, there are lots of ways to make little tweaks that make a big difference to your home, wallet and the planet. We also answer the question: ‘What does bamboo toilet paper feel like?’, to find out more read our article here.

Things we like

Looking for your latest read, doco or podcast? Here’s a round-up of some of our favorite new finds this week.

Read: Green Living Made Easy: 101 Eco Tips, Hacks and Recipes to Save Time and Money is by Great British Bake-Off winner Nancy Birtwhistle and is packed full of indispensable tips, ideas and recipes that will help you to live a more eco-friendly life without giving up on any home comforts. You’ll find tips and home hacks on everything from eco cleaning, upcycling and making the most out of your weekly shop to small-space gardening and creative crafts, plus a selection of Nancy's delicious recipes. Get it from Amazon or Booktopia.

Listen: How to Save a Planet is a podcast hosted by journalist Alex Blumberg and a crew of ‘climate nerds’ and aims to leave listeners feeling energized and empowered to take action for the planet, from alternative energy ideas to demystifying the ‘carbon footprint’, there’s a wide range of topics covered. Download or listen here.

Watch: Wild babies. For some feel-good weekend viewing, check out Wild Babies on Netflix, which follows the early days of lion cubs, turtles, orangutans and monkeys as they navigate the world under the watchful eye of their parents. Or try Our Great National Parks, an excellent new documentary also on Netflix and narrated by former President Barack Obama, showcasing some of the planet’s most spectacular national parks.

Get arty: Reuse sponges to make a ‘kelpy’ painting. Our friends at Sea Hugger have this nifty video tutorial on creating cool ocean-themed sponge creations. It’s a great one to do with the kids – check it out here.

Make: Compost! In Australia the first week of May sees National Compost Week, in the US May 29th marks national learn about composting day. For a step-by-step guide to composting and all the do’s and don’ts you need to know, visit the website here.

“Reducing our levels of consumption will not be a sacrifice but a bonus if we simply redefine the meaning of the word 'success'.”
– David Wann
Thanks for keeping our oceans clean and forests green!
Pure Planet Club Team
