
International Mountains Day

  • 2 min read
Welcome to our December newsletter, the last one for 2021! This month on the blog, we’re sharing some tips on choosing sustainably sourced fish. We love finding ways to make little tweaks to our grocery list that don’t make much difference to our day-to-day lives, but can have a huge impact on the planet.

If you’ve ever wondering what recycled toilet paper is made from, you’re not alone! Google has a staggering 22 million results for the question ‘What is recycled toilet paper?’ which you’ve answered here for you on the blog. 

International Mountains Day

This month we celebrate International Mountains Day, on December 11, and what better way to celebrate than by getting out in nature and hiking your favourite trails!

The theme for this year is sustainable mountain tourism, which helps promote landscape and biodiversity conservation. It is also a way to preserve the natural, cultural and spiritual heritage, to promote local crafts, and celebrate many traditional practices such as local festivals.

Here are three fun ways to celebrate and protect the beautiful mountains on our planet:

1 - Take only memories, leave only footprints
When hiking, exploring or picnicking in your favourite mountain regions, resist the urge to take rocks, flowers or other mementos with you. Take any rubbish away with you when you leave home and bring home only photos and memories.

Mountain Hiking

everst via Shutterstock 

2 - Raise awareness
Raise awareness of mountains on December 11 by organising safe, socially distanced activities, including virtual presentations and events, photo and art competitions, and hikes.

3 - Get involved
Join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #MountainsMatter. Pass on some of the key messages or share about the tourism in the mountains near you. Post a photo of your favourite mountain moment and share it with your friends.

Wishing you and yours a wonderful festive season and a healthy and happy start to the New Year.

Man Photographing Mountains      Blue Planet Studio via Shutterstock

Did you know?
Mountains make up about one-fifth of the world's landscape, and provide homes to around 15 per cent of the world’s population. The world's highest peak on land is Mount Everest in the Himalayas. It is 8,850m (29,036 ft) tall.

Thanks for keeping our oceans clean and forests green!
Pure Planet Club Team
